#re-activar #reboot #wordpress
The King is Dead, Long live the King… 3
por Pedro Resende em 09/08/2020 às 08:36:00

Venho deste modo marcar um novo marco na vida deste blog. Desta vez resolvi "emagrecer" o peso do mesmo, migrando-o de Wordpress para Next.js o que me permite alojar em qualquer sítio.
A grande vantagem desta migração é que agora todos os posts são simples ficheiros em markdown.
Mais uma vez deixo aqui uma promessa que irei tentar escrever mais regularmente...

Pedro Resende
With over two decades of experience as a Full Stack Developer, I have journeyed through diverse facets of software development. Commencing with the creation of compact institutional websites, I progressed to crafting portals for insurance brokers and contributed to substantial projects for renowned companies such as MS Amlin. My expertise expanded further by delving into product development for Advertiser Kwanko and collaborating with startups in their pivotal ramp-up stages. Notably, I've been involved in architecting extensive e-commerce solutions for global enterprises like Wayfair.
I currently serve as the Tech Lead at Emergn, contributing to the establishment and advancement of the Strategyzer client.