Para poderem ter o php 8.4 no Ubuntu 24.04, terão de utilizar um repositório de terceiros, neste caso do ondrej.
Vamos então começar, para tal vamos actualizar a lista de repositórios, executando:
# apt-get update
Agora, vamos instalar os pacotes necessários, correndo o seguinte commando:
# apt-get install ca-certificates apt-transport-https software-properties-common
Estamos então em condições para adicionar o novo repositório:
# add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
Agora basta-nos actualizar novamente a lista de repositório e instalar a versão do php:
# apt-get update && apt-get install php8.4
Pronto, temos então a versão 8.4 do php instalada no nosso servidor.

Pedro Resende
With over two decades of experience as a Full Stack Developer, I have journeyed through diverse facets of software development. Commencing with the creation of compact institutional websites, I progressed to crafting portals for insurance brokers and contributed to substantial projects for renowned companies such as MS Amlin. My expertise expanded further by delving into product development for Advertiser Kwanko and collaborating with startups in their pivotal ramp-up stages. Notably, I've been involved in architecting extensive e-commerce solutions for global enterprises like Wayfair.
I currently serve as the Tech Lead at Emergn, contributing to the establishment and advancement of the Strategyzer client.